Lines for Top-layer lamellas for multi-layer parquet production B3+S Line, A.Costa automatic parquet equipment.
Code equipment: B3+S Line EN
Short description
Lines for Top layer lamellas production B3+S - .High productive complete automatic A.Costa parquet Lines. With width till 120(135) мм
Series of parquet Lines B3+S Line - Higth productive and high precision A.Costa Lines for Top layer lamellas production for multilayer parquet. This Line based on the Line B3. B3+S Line produced the top-layer lamellas by the way of the splitting by machine MARZIA into longitudinal direction of the coming bricks, at previous stage prepared from massive wood by Line B3 (with machines: MISTRAL and ASTRA).
At the boottom scheme is demonstrated the way of B3+S Line work. Prepared by the B3 Line pieces with exellent geometry by additional belt parquet transporter ANTEO delivered to Machine MARZIA, where its by two (or three) vertical shafts with installed horizontal blades these solid wood bricks with extremelly high precision are splitting into 2-3-4 strips (lamellas for parquet top-layer). Machine MARZIA work with high speed, till 40 m/min, maximum width of producing by Line lamellas is 100 mm (optional = 120 or 135) mm.
Machine MARZIA in B3+S Line works in accordance with the follow scheme:

At the boottom scheme is demonstrated the way of B3+S Line work. Prepared by the B3 Line pieces with exellent geometry by additional belt parquet transporter ANTEO delivered to Machine MARZIA, where its by two (or three) vertical shafts with installed horizontal blades these solid wood bricks with extremelly high precision are splitting into 2-3-4 strips (lamellas for parquet top-layer). Machine MARZIA work with high speed, till 40 m/min, maximum width of producing by Line lamellas is 100 mm (optional = 120 or 135) mm.
Machine MARZIA in B3+S Line works in accordance with the follow scheme: