Canter-Profiling sawmill Complexes GIGA-A.Costa Righi complete modular sawmill plants.
Code equipment: GIGA EN
Short description
Canter-Profiling sawmill plants GIGA - A.Costa Righi Complete sawmill Complexes for different diameters and length.
Canter-Profiling sawmill plant GIGA - Complete sawmill Complex to proceed "in one pass" round logs into: trimming boards + technological chips + sawdust and nothing more (complete without any solid wood pieces waste). Operated by only one operator. Has the exelent geometry and quality of ouput production. Due the specific and advantures of inside construction Complexes GIGA have the best in the world parameters of economic eficiency for final production:
- minimun costs to proceed 1m3 of round logs into trimming boards;
- minimum using of electric power to proceed 1m3;
- minimum wokers (minimum labor force per 1 m3) and so on.
A.Costa Righi produce very big range of Complexes GIGA with different construction, with different functions and for different log dimentions.
Basic model of Complex GIGA with cotainer or modular construction equiped with follow machines and systems in adequate to type models:
- two chip-canters CANTATA;
- one (or two) profiler FUGA;
- one 2-(or 4-)shaft milti ripsaw SONATA;
- logs feeding system;
- measuring systems;
- turning devices;
- all demanded conveyor for working machines connection and outfeed system.
More complicated models of Complexes GIGA may have additional machines:
- one-two profilers FUGA;
- one-two Edging machines NOTA;
- Gorisontal Splitting machine PARTITA;
- one-two turning devices;
- sorting and/or stacking devices at outfeed.
Producing Canter-Profiling Complexes GIGA have three main modification depend of the main diameters can be proceed by Complex. Follow to existing clasification for proceeding logs diameters A.Costa Righi produce types of Complexes:
- GIGA01 - to proceed the logs with diameters 8-18(20 in the butt connic part) cm;
- GIGA02 - to proceed the logs with diameters 10-25(30 in the butt connic part) cm;
- GIGA03 - to proceed the logs with diameters 14-40(45 in the butt connic part) cm.
Also were produced special models of Complexes for around and over pointed upper diameters.
Basic models of Complexes GIGA proceed the logs with standard lingth in 2,0(2,5) - 6,0 m.
Also exist models for more long or more short logs.
Complexes GIGA depend of the model can easy proceed in "one pass" 6-10 and more logs per 1 minute.
- minimun costs to proceed 1m3 of round logs into trimming boards;
- minimum using of electric power to proceed 1m3;
- minimum wokers (minimum labor force per 1 m3) and so on.
A.Costa Righi produce very big range of Complexes GIGA with different construction, with different functions and for different log dimentions.
Basic model of Complex GIGA with cotainer or modular construction equiped with follow machines and systems in adequate to type models:
- two chip-canters CANTATA;
- one (or two) profiler FUGA;
- one 2-(or 4-)shaft milti ripsaw SONATA;
- logs feeding system;
- measuring systems;
- turning devices;
- all demanded conveyor for working machines connection and outfeed system.
More complicated models of Complexes GIGA may have additional machines:
- one-two profilers FUGA;
- one-two Edging machines NOTA;
- Gorisontal Splitting machine PARTITA;
- one-two turning devices;
- sorting and/or stacking devices at outfeed.
Producing Canter-Profiling Complexes GIGA have three main modification depend of the main diameters can be proceed by Complex. Follow to existing clasification for proceeding logs diameters A.Costa Righi produce types of Complexes:
- GIGA01 - to proceed the logs with diameters 8-18(20 in the butt connic part) cm;
- GIGA02 - to proceed the logs with diameters 10-25(30 in the butt connic part) cm;
- GIGA03 - to proceed the logs with diameters 14-40(45 in the butt connic part) cm.
Also were produced special models of Complexes for around and over pointed upper diameters.
Basic models of Complexes GIGA proceed the logs with standard lingth in 2,0(2,5) - 6,0 m.
Also exist models for more long or more short logs.
Complexes GIGA depend of the model can easy proceed in "one pass" 6-10 and more logs per 1 minute.