Short description
Automatic machines for Longitudinal and Transversal Massive parquet processing and double side tenoning. World known quality and highest productivity.
The famous and recognizable in the world Parquet machines of A. Costa Brand start their history from 1922. The main distinctive features of the A. Costa Parquet machines always have been their constant high reliability, easy and friendly in operation and maintenance, the highest quality of products and excellent economic efficiency.
A. Costa Parquet machines historically are the symbol of reliability and highest quality in parquet production equipment.
For Massive parquet production A.Costa Righi produce the spread range of Automatic machines for Longitudinal and Transversal Massive parquet processing. These Machines for Massive parquet production may be used as separate machines and as the parts of different types of Lines for industrial parquet production.
In production program of A.Costa Righi have the follow of High precision Automatic machines for Massive parquet production:- Serie of Mod. MISTRAL for Longitudinal Massive parquet processing and for longitudinal double side tenonering: MISTRAL/PA4, MISTRAL/PA6, MISTRAL-2;
- Serie of Mod. ASTRA for Transversal Massive parquet processing and for transversal double end tenonering: ASTRA/PA4, ASTRA/PA6 .
Machines MISTRAL have the extremely strong and most rigid feed system, with special pressure "dogs", equiped with the set of needle pressure clamps. Depend of the model machines MISTRAL have different number of spindles (working units):
- Machines MISTRAL/PA4 have four working units (spindles) each;
- Machines MISTRAL/PA6 and MISTRAL-2 have six working units (spindles).
Each working unit of machines depend of the Client needs may have main motor with different power: from 5,5 till 15,0 KWt and with different speed rotation: from 6000 till 8000 rpm.
Machines ASTRA have the maximum strong and very rigid two sides feeding system, equiped with special presure devices. Machines ASTRA depend of the model have different number of spindles (working units):
- ASTRA/PA4 machines have four working units (spindles) - two units per each side;
- ASTRA/PA6 machines have six working units (spindles) - three units per side.
Each working unit of machines depend of the Client needs may have main motor with different power: from 1,5 till 4,0 KWt and with different speed rotation: from 6000 till 8000 rpm.