Code equipment: Lines for Prefinished Parquet Production EN
Short description
Lines for automatic multi-(2-3)-layer parquet production. A.Costa equipment: continuous presses, profiling, grooving machines.
A.Costa Righi produced wide range of parquet Lines, which covered all main needs of Clients for producing and processing of multilayer (two-, three-layer) parquet - engineering boards. A.Costa parquet Lines are consistently distinguished by the highest quality of their products, have very high productivity, work with maximum economic efficiency and with world known reliability, convenience and "friendliness" in operating and maintenance.
A.Costa Righi has in production program the follow main types of Lines for multilayer parquet production and/or producing pars for furniture and/or construction:
- Lines PRF type for longitudinal and transversal parquet boards processing and double side tenoning, longitudinal and transversal profiling; PRF Lines usually equipped with longitudinal profiling machines such as KUADRA CS; and for transversal profiling equipped with KUADRA T and/or ASTRA machines type;
- Series of Continuous Presses KONTACT types (KONTACT-K 220, KONTACT-K 320, KONTACT-K 450) in big diapason of models depend of: min-max dimensions; type of applied glues; constructed for fixed or for random length of production;
- Series of ZEFIRO type Lines (such as ZEFIRO 2400, or ZEFIRO 2500 or ZEFIRO 3200) types to produce the compensate grooves on back side of plywood core layer of two-layer parquet boards with different dimensions.
A.Costa Righi has in production program the follow main types of Lines for multilayer parquet production and/or producing pars for furniture and/or construction:
- Lines PRF type for longitudinal and transversal parquet boards processing and double side tenoning, longitudinal and transversal profiling; PRF Lines usually equipped with longitudinal profiling machines such as KUADRA CS; and for transversal profiling equipped with KUADRA T and/or ASTRA machines type;
- Series of Continuous Presses KONTACT types (KONTACT-K 220, KONTACT-K 320, KONTACT-K 450) in big diapason of models depend of: min-max dimensions; type of applied glues; constructed for fixed or for random length of production;
- Series of ZEFIRO type Lines (such as ZEFIRO 2400, or ZEFIRO 2500 or ZEFIRO 3200) types to produce the compensate grooves on back side of plywood core layer of two-layer parquet boards with different dimensions.