One spindle multiple automatic ripsaw
Code equipment: ML 1-420 EN
Short description
One spindle multi-ripsaw automatic machine ML1-420. May be used as universal compact, but very precise multi-ripsaw with working thickness till 115 mm and minimum pieces length in 700 mm.
Machines ML1-420 - One spindle multi-ripsaw automats, machines of the third line with fixed blades for Sawmill Lines with standard configuration.
One spindle multi-ripsaw ML1-420 with fixed blades are very suitable to realize the functions of boards cutting in longitodinal direction and/or vertical sawing of prisms/beams with not big thickness.
Machine ML1-420.
Basic model of ML1-420 with the fixed blades, as usual, used as compact multi-ripsaw with thickness to cut till 115 mm.
Machine ML1-420 can works in complete automatic way under PLC (computer) control, or under manual control of operator (with spread automatic PLC functions, assisted to him).
Machine ML1-420 has a very spread renge og motors may be installed: form 22,0 till 75,0 KWt.
Main working shaft if machine is movable (in up-down direction), it is give a very serious advantage - to use the optimal saw blades, depend of the thicknes of current proceeding material.
Main technical characters of ML1-420 machines:
- maximum passing width of processing pieces till 900 mm;
- maximum working width of pieces till 420 mm;
- maximum distance between machine lateral blades till 380 mm;
- minimum length of processing pieces - 700 mm.
One spindle multi-ripsaw ML1-420 with fixed blades are very suitable to realize the functions of boards cutting in longitodinal direction and/or vertical sawing of prisms/beams with not big thickness.
Machine ML1-420.
Basic model of ML1-420 with the fixed blades, as usual, used as compact multi-ripsaw with thickness to cut till 115 mm.
Machine ML1-420 can works in complete automatic way under PLC (computer) control, or under manual control of operator (with spread automatic PLC functions, assisted to him).
Machine ML1-420 has a very spread renge og motors may be installed: form 22,0 till 75,0 KWt.
Main working shaft if machine is movable (in up-down direction), it is give a very serious advantage - to use the optimal saw blades, depend of the thicknes of current proceeding material.
Main technical characters of ML1-420 machines:
- maximum passing width of processing pieces till 900 mm;
- maximum working width of pieces till 420 mm;
- maximum distance between machine lateral blades till 380 mm;
- minimum length of processing pieces - 700 mm.