Refilatrice monoalbero
a lame mobili
Codice: ML3R-420
Breve descrizione
La macchina ML 3R-420, con un solo mandrino per il taglio trasversale multiplo e/o la rifilatura, è particolarmente adatta come sega universale e/o macchina per la rifilatura con una lama fissa e tre (o due, o una) lame mobili.
Machines ML 3R(2R, 1R)-420 - multiripsaw, trimming/edging with fixed and movable sawblades.
One spindle multiripsaw, trimming/edging automatons with fixed and movable sawblades ML 3R(2R, 1R)-420 are utilized for the trimming and edging of side boards obtained during the longitudinal cutting of round logs or as multiripsaws for processing thin prisms.
When machines ML 3R(2R, 1R)-420 are used as multiripsaws, the maximum working thickness for processing prisms or beams can be up to 115 mm. When this machine is used as a trimming/edging automaton, the maximum working thickness for prisms/beams can be up to 100 mm.
Consequently, the models of ML 3R(2R, 1R)-420 have one fixed saw (saw group), and model 3R has three movable, motorized saws (saw groups), while models 2R and 1R have two and one movable saws (saw groups), respectively.
The ML1-420 machine offers a wide range of motor options, ranging from 22.0 to 75.0 KWt. The main working shaft of the machine is movable in an up-down direction, providing a significant advantage in using the optimal saw blades based on the thickness of the material being processed.
Main technical characteristics of ML 3R(2R, 1R)-420 machines:
- Maximum width for processing pieces up to 900 mm;
- Maximum working width for pieces up to 420 mm;
- Maximum distance between the machine's lateral blades up to 380 mm;
- Minimum length of processing pieces - 700 mm.